

I'm so excited that you're here! With more than a decade of experience photographing expecting and new moms and having two children of my own, I've had the honor of seeing and hearing about many different journeys into motherhood along with a wide variety of personal experiences. Along the way, I've picked up countless tips and tricks that I would love to share with you as you prepare to welcome your own little one into the world. Enjoy reading through this free guide at your leisure, and I hope that you find something helpful here! 

- Erin

Thank you for stopping by, and please don't hesitate to let me know if I can offer any additional guidance as you begin your motherhood journey!

Choose your Doctor or midwife

Today! or

Hire newborn photographer by 12 weeks

Start looking at Newborn Photographers


Create a cute announcement

Discuss Birth plan with provider

Create baby registry 20 weeks

Maternity Portraits
28-34 weeks

Have your baby!

Have a baby shower

Newborn Portraits

Hire a doula, if desired

Start Packing Hospital Bag 28 weeks

A Lot

Finish organizing baby clothes and nursery items

Confirm session date with your newborn photographer within 72 hours

Bring your baby Home and enjoy

Your Hospital Bag

I remember how overwhelming this process was to try and think of everything I might need while at the same time trying to pack lightly. I actually suggest packing two bags; one smaller labor bag and a second larger recovery bag that you can leave in the car until after you’ve had your baby and been moved to your recovery room. While everyone will have their own different preferences and favorite items, I hope that sharing mine will help alleviate some of the stress that comes with packing your bag! Just a heads up, there are a few affiliate links.

Birth ball
Comfy robe
Comfy socks
A tennis ball (for counter pressure on your back)
A photo of something special (to use as a focus point)
Beverages to sip on (Gatorade or Powerade)
Light snacks (protein bar, muffin, etc)
Snacks for your partner
Phone charger with extra long cord

Labor Bag Checklist 

1-2 pairs maternity leggings (3-4 for a c-section stay)
2-3 comfy button front tops
2-3 sleep nursing bras or nursing tanks (no wires or cups!)
2-3 comfy socks
3-4 of granny panties
1-2 rolls of toilet paper from home
Depends Silhouette adult diapers
Your favorite snacks
Your own pillow
Camera and extra battery & memory card
A pack of your favorite nighttime pads with wings
Toothbrush & toothpaste for you and your partner
Basic travel size toiletries 
Dry shampoo
Abdominal binder for c-section
Lansinoh lanolin
Disposable breast pads

Newborn SwaddleMe
Baby's going home outfit
Car seat
Cardstock or baby book page for footprints

The hospital will provide you with all of the diapers and wipes, pacifiers, and feeding supplies that you'll need for your baby!

Recovery Bag Checklist 

For Baby

Choosing one store or website to register at can greatly limit your ability to add items in certain colors or patterns that may be exclusive to one store and not carried at another. I'm going to share a few amazing options that allow you the flexibility to add the items you truly want, and ease for your family and friends to order!

Where to Register

My first recommendation is Amazon! While you can find almost anything you'd want on Amazon, you can also add items from other stores or boutiques by installing the Amazon Assistant plug-in on Google Chrome. Then simply visit the website of the item you want to add, select the Amazon Assistant, and click "add to list" 

Another similar option is MyRegistry.com which allows you to add items from a large list of popular retailers. Guests can shop on one registry, and will be redirected to the store website to purchase your gift.

Another creative and meaningful registry option is to register with Erin Davison Photography! With our complimentary baby registry, you'll receive cards to send out with your baby shower invitations letting guests know that you are registered with us. You'll have a custom registry page, where friends can easily purchase a gift certificate or one of your most desired artwork options.

Crib bedding (sheets, skirt)
Infant car seat
Extra car seat base
Convertible car seat
Swing or bouncer
Activity mat
Baby bath tub
Baby wash cloths
Baby bath towels

Registry Checklist 

Pack and play
Pack and play sheets
High chair
Booster seat
Toddler dishes (bowls, cups, cutlery)
Baby bottles
Drying mat
Changing pad and covers
Crib mattress
Crib mattress waterproof protector
Diaper bag

10 Must Have Items

view now

Our ten favorite items for the newborn stage

Spectra S1
breast pump

view next

Considered hospital grade, often covered by insurance

My Brest Friend

view next

Fits better than the Boppy, and provides much needed back support

Baby Shusher

view next

Available on Amazon. Perfect for travel or outings

Basic Pack and Play

view next

Lightweight and portable. Perfect for baby's nap while visiting family and friends, while poolside, etc

Rocking Chair

view next

We love this Pottery Barn Look-alike from Best Home Furnishings

Soft Wrap Carrier

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The Moby wrap is perfect for multitasking with a brand new baby

White Noise Machine

view next

Helps baby sleep and blocks out startling noises from outside or in


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Easy and secure for middle of the night diaper changes

Frame Stroller

view next

Easily move the infant seat into the stroller for quick errands

Extra Base

view again

Perfect for two car families who don't want to re-install the car seat all the time

What To Wear

A list of our Favorites

What you wear for your maternity and newborn portraits can make all the difference in the look of your final images. We want to share a few of our favorites, many of which are included in our Studio Wardrobe. Simply click to purchase your favorites!

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Interested in maternity and newborn photography? We'd love to chat!

I hope this guide helps make the process of planning for your new little one much easier and less stressful. Thank you so much for taking the time to read through our guide!


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